FQHC, RHC & IHS Services Live Webinar (FRI100LW)
The purpose of this module is to provide informaiton for billing services rendered by Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Indian Health Services-Memorandum of Agreement (HIS-MOA) clinics to participants in the Medi-Cal program.
Please login 15 minutes early.
Webinar Link: https://gainwelltechnologies.webex.com/gainwelltechnologies/j.php?MTID=m08cb90a8032ecc566933c463561537f3
Meeting Number: 2634 542 7495
Password: 9kwDKX8MJ?5
If you need to call in to listen, please use our Toll Free #: (844) 517-1442
Access Code: 2634 542 7495